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Summer Reading 2022


Congratulations Muskingum County Summer Readers! You have read over 2 million minutes in the past two months.

Did Someone Say Prizes?

All prize winners will be notified by August 5.

Quick Facts

  • Runs from June 6—July 31
  • ALL AGES are welcome to participate
  • Register and track your reading and activities online or through the Beanstack mobile app
  • Read,  attend events, and complete activities to earn raffle tickets for awesome prizes
Grand Prizes
  • Readers earn badges, they also earn digital raffle tickets to distribute to the grand prize drawings of their choice.
  • Each badge will earn a participant 1, 5, or 10 tickets to enter into the drawings, depending on the difficulty/complexity of the activity. 
  • These tickets have been thoughtfully “weighted” to help keep the odds between kids, teens, and adults winning the grand prizes fairly equal!
Completion Prize
  • Completion prizes  will be available to pick up at any MCLS location beginning July 26th – August 7th
  • A free book (Youth)
  • A coupon for a BOGO book at the Friends store (Adult)

Attention all K-12 Summer Readers

All K-12 elementary, middle, and high schools are eligible to win the prize of a performer at their school during the 2021-2022 school year! The school with the highest percentage of student participation will win the prize of a performance during the 2021-2021 school year! Percentages, rather than a sum total of individuals, are used in order to maintain equity between large schools and smaller schools.