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Friends of the Library

Who are members? We are professionals, nonprofessionals, students, and neighbors who believe in our public library system’s mission of “opening doors for curious minds, fostering a love of reading, encouraging exploration and discovery, enabling learning, and inspiring creativity by connecting people with information, ideas, and each other.”

We are committed to focusing attention on the importance of public libraries. We lend our voices of support to the library and raise money for library programs, resources, and materials through special events, book sales, projects, and the Friends Bookstore.

Bookstore Information

***The Bookstore is CLOSED and is currently NOT accepting donations of items at this time.***

About the Friends of the Library

Established in 1989, the Friends of the Library (FotL) is a non-profit organization committed to supporting and strengthening the Muskingum County Library System (MCLS).

It is this group’s goal to collaborate with the MCLS Board of Trustees, Leadership Team, and Staff to maintain an association with community members interested in libraries.

The FotL is directed and managed by an Executive Committee made of elected officers and appointed members-at-large. The MCLS Executive Director is a non-voting member and the Outreach Manager is the library liaison between the library and the Friends group.

Contact Us

For more information about the Friends of the Library,  please email us at or call our bookstore at 740.453.0391 ext. 123.