Featured Research Databases
African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically pertaining to African Americans.
Chilton is a name that mechanics and do-it-yourselfers have depended on for many years for car repairs. This 24/7 online “mechanic” provides quick access to repair, maintenance and service information on the most popular cars, trucks, vans and SUVs on the road today.
This award-winning website contains information that enables consumers to make better purchasing decisions on the products they are shopping for. Also provides ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice.
Doing a report on another country? Studying a foreign language and need to find out more about the culture? Need a recipe from another culture? Click for many age-appropriate, easy to use resources about the world’s cultures with colorful pictures and videos.
Families, caregivers, educators, and librarians can use the Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar at home, library, classroom, or on the go. With a perpetual calendar featuring songs, activities, book suggestions, and videos, Day By Day Ohio supports early literacy skills and helps young children get ready for school.
NewspaperARCHIVE is the world’s best resource for historical and genealogical information. Our unique archive spans more than 400 years of family history, small-town events, world news and more. The NewspaperARCHIVE database now requires an MCLS Library Card and a user account. Instructions for creating your free account are located here.
Northstar Digital Literacy is a program offering online assessments to evaluate and certify individuals in essential digital skills, including basic computer use, internet navigation, email proficiency, and more. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals and organizations aiming to enhance digital literacy.
The Norris Schneider WWII Muskingum County Veterans Archive chronicles the heroic military service of the men and women of Muskingum County in World War II.
Leveraging online innovation, Ohio Legal Help seeks to improve justice and fairness for all Ohioans by removing barriers to the law so that they can understand their legal options, make informed decisions and connect to local legal and community resources.
Looking for employment? Ohio Means Jobs can help you get there. Created by the State of Ohio and Monster.com, Ohio Means Jobs offers resources to explore careers, search for current jobs, post your resume, take online career skills training classes and much more.
A premier online platform offering resources and support for adult literacy educators.
All Research Databases
About: Books
Search for author, title, subject… anything about books.
The Premier Job Search, Reference & Mailing List Database, including 30 million business & executive profiles & 220 million residents.
Academic Search Premier
Need an article from a peer-reviewed journal? Click here for the world’s largest academic multi-disciplinary database with full-text articles from 4,500 journals.
African American Heritage
African American Heritage is a digital resource exclusively devoted to African American family history research. This collection was created in partnership with leading African American genealogists and recognized leaders in genealogical information to develop a comprehensive mix of resources, records, and tools specifically pertaining to African Americans.
American & English Literature Collection
Find free access to ebooks of American and English literature in the subjects poetry, drama, and fiction, as well as titles such as the Bible and beyond.
Ancestry.com Library Edition
Search historical records with information on over 6 billion people. Collaborate with others doing similar research. This service may only be used in the library; it will not allow access outside the building.
Biography Reference Bank
Offering the in-depth, original profiles of Current Biography and World Authors series, the thorough periodical coverage of Biography Index, and the specialist biographical content of Junior Authors & Illustrators, this database contains biographical full-text articles, page images, and abstracts from today’s leading magazines and journals—providing the most current coverage of an individual’s life and work.
Brainfuse HelpNow
Brainfuse HelpNow! provides learning help for all ages, including one-one-one live tutoring for young students and adults. This expansive resource has practice tests, homework help, writing feedback, career support, and foreign language help. There is something for everyone!
Business Source Premier
Boost your business knowledge by researching company and industry profiles, country and market research reports, and magazine articles.
Chilton Library
Chilton is a name that mechanics and do-it-yourselfers have depended on for many years for car repairs. This 24/7 online “mechanic” provides quick access to repair, maintenance and service information on the most popular cars, trucks, vans and SUVs on the road today.
Consumer Reports
This award-winning website contains information that enables consumers to make better purchasing decisions on the products they are shopping for. Also provides ratings and reviews, recommendations and buying advice.
Doing a report on another country? Studying a foreign language and need to find out more about the culture? Need a recipe from another culture? Click for many age-appropriate, easy-to-use resources about the world’s cultures with colorful pictures and videos.
Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar
Families, caregivers, educators, and librarians can use the Day By Day Ohio Family Literacy Calendar at home, library, classroom, or on the go. With a perpetual calendar featuring songs, activities, book suggestions, and videos, Day By Day Ohio supports early literacy skills and helps young children get ready for school.
Digital Public Library of America
Historic digital collections from libraries, museums, and archives across Ohio and more. The DPLA portal to photographs, maps, documents, and AV materials from across the country is a great starting place for your local history and genealogy reference.
Search thousands of magazines, academic journals, newspapers, reference books, photos and maps on millions of topics.
With everything from topic overviews to informational videos and in-depth scholarly research journals, Explora is an easy to search tool that provides an excellent starting point for any research topic.
Explora Primary Schools (K-5)
Explora Primary Schools is an interface designed for students in grades K through 5. Provides elementary school students with an easy-to-use, graphically-appealing interface they can use to search databases, with more than 80 popular full-text elementary school magazines, books, and encyclopedia articles.
Explora Secondary Schools (6-12)
Explora Secondary Schools provides resources for middle and high school students working on research projects. An extensive collection of full-text magazines, journals, encyclopedias, biographies and more available through an easy-to-use interface.
A premier collection of historical U.S. military records that brings to life the details of America’s military veterans with stories, photos, and personal documents.
Heritage Quest
Search ancestors in the Federal Census, find information on people and places in local and family histories, review selected records from the Revolutionary War Era, and much more.
Historical Newspapers
Access more than two hundred Midwest news sources. These include several major Ohio newspapers, including the Zanesville Times Recorder, the Dayton Daily News, Toledo Blade, and the Columbus Dispatch.
MasterFILE Premier
Doing a research project or paper? Click here to find full-text articles for more than 1,730 general periodicals covering such topics as general reference, business, education, health, and much more.
You can use MedlinePlus to learn about the latest treatments, look up information on a drug or supplement, find out the meanings of words, or view medical videos or illustrations. You can also get links to the latest medical research on your topic or find out about clinical trials on a disease or condition.
Newspaper Archive
NewspaperARCHIVE is the world’s best resource for historical and genealogical information. Our unique archive spans more than 400 years of family history, small-town events, world news and more
Newspaper Source
Looking for a newspaper article? Click here to find cover-to-cover full-text articles for 25 national (US) and international newspapers.
Northstar Digital Literacy
Northstar Digital Literacy is a program offering online assessments to evaluate and certify individuals in essential digital skills, including basic computer use, internet navigation, email proficiency, and more. It serves as a valuable resource for individuals and organizations aiming to enhance digital literacy.
NoveList Plus
NoveList Plus is an online database and resource that helps readers discover new books and authors based on their interests and preferences. It offers book recommendations, summaries, reviews, and author biographies to assist users in finding their next great read.
NoveList K-8 Plus
NoveList K-8 Plus is an online database that helps children in kindergarten through grade 8, parents, and educators find age-appropriate books. It offers book recommendations, summaries, reviews, and author information to foster a love for reading and support young readers’ individual interests and reading levels.
Ohio Legal Help
Leveraging online innovation, Ohio Legal Help seeks to improve justice and fairness for all Ohioans by removing barriers to the law so that they can understand their legal options, make informed decisions and connect to local legal and community resources.
Ohio Means Jobs
Looking for employment? Ohio Means Jobs can help you get there. Created by the State of Ohio and Monster.com, Ohio Means Jobs offers resources to explore careers, search for current jobs, post your resume, take online career skills training classes and much more.
Ohio Web Library
The Library, through OPLIN’s Ohio Web Library, provides access to reference databases of general and special periodical materials, readers’ advisory services, homework centers to assist students with research assignments, and legislative, historical, and archival materials and information.
Points of View Reference Center
Containing resources that present multiple sides of an issue, this database provides the basis from which students can realize and develop persuasive arguments and essays, better understand controversial issues and develop analytical thinking skills.
A premier online platform offering resources and support for adult literacy educators.
Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps
Find large-scale street plans produced by the Sanborn Fire Insurance Company from 1867 to 1970. Locate and identify buildings and neighborhoods. Study the growth of towns and cities and the impact of new development.
Schneider WWII Muskingum Veterans Archive
The Norris Schneider WWII Muskingum County Veterans Archive chronicles the heroic military service of the men and women of Muskingum County in World War II.
Small Business Reference Center
Offers exclusive full text for many top consumer small business reference books, as well as tools to address many small business topics. Includes business videos, a help and advice section, and details on how to create business plans.
Listen and read along with TumbleBooks! TumbleBooks are animated, talking picture books that teach kids the joy of reading in a format they love. TumbleBooks are created by taking picture books, adding animation, sound, music, and narration to produce an electronic picture book you can read or have read to you.
Very Short Introductions
An excellent way to get a quick, authoritative, and accessible overview of a subject.
What Tree Is It?
Identify common trees of Ohio by stepping through a leaf/fruit profiling guide.
What’s The Point?
Identify flint artifacts found in Ohio and learn about Ohio’s prehistoric people.
World Book Online
Use the World Book via your computer for the most up-to-date information.